Gel Blaster Maintenance: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
If you are a gel blaster user, keeping your gun in great condition is essential for its ongoing efficiency while also impacting the enjoyment and cost-efficiency of your gel blasting adventures.
Gel blasters have gained significant popularity since making their way to Australia and are largely viewed as a safer alternative to airsoft or paintball. However, new and experienced players alike may encounter issues without implementing the right gel blaster maintenance strategies.
Getting To Know Your Gel Blaster
Before worrying too much about maintenance, every gel blaster owner must first focus on their setup. The right choice of gun for your intended gel blasting activities will give you the strongest platform to build upon, thus setting you up for a smoother journey with your gun.
Beginners may find that pistols (easy portability and compact) and shotguns (fewer parts) are the superior choices. However, this guide to different gel blaster types should help you make an informed decision. Some additional tips that can support easier maintenance include;
- Opt for a standard “off-the-shelf” gel blaster rather than a custom model. This can be saved for when you become more experienced and need an edge in competitive play.
- Consider a bundle when buying gel blasters for all the family as it will be easier to learn the ins and outs of one model rather than multiple blasters.
- Select an electric or manual gel blaster as the internal mechanics are less complex than gas-powered counterparts. So, identifying and troubleshooting issues is easier.
Whether buying your first gel blaster or treating yourself to a new model, reading the user manual will promote proper usage for a better experience.
Gel Blaster Maintenance Mistakes & Resolutions
It’s the oldest cliche in the book, but “Look after your gel blaster, and your gel blaster will look after you” is truly a manifesto to live by. In addition to completing the right steps, though, you must take care to avoid the pitfalls. Here are the most common, along with their fixes.
#1. Not Storing Your Gel Blaster Correctly

Under Queensland Police Service legislation, it is a legal requirement for all gel blasters “stored in a locked container when not in use” while they should not be visible to the public when carried either. However, implementing the right storage isn’t only necessary to satisfy the law. It also signifies a key first step towards good gel blaster maintenance.
A gel blaster should be kept in a cool, dry environment. A padded shoulder carry bag makes a very good choice as it also offers protection in case something falls onto the unit or it gets bumped during travel. With proper gel blaster storage, you can prevent against;
- Damage to internal parts due to moisture exposure.
- Rusting to metal parts, including trigger mechanisms.
- Warping of plastic elements caused by extreme temperatures.
- Broken parts due to knocks or blunt force.
- Discoloration and other cosmetic issues caused by sunlight exposure.
- Lost or misplaced parts as proper storage includes compartments.
In addition to storing your gel blaster in a suitable location, all accessories including head protection and gel balls, must be correctly stored away too. Like the gel blaster itself, gel balls should be kept in a cool and dry environment to prevent warping.
#2. Allowing Gel Balls To Get Jammed
When gel balls get jammed in your gel blaster, it can be very frustrating. Firstly, an estimated 83 % of all gel blasters exceed the recommended power of 2500 J/m2. So, it’s imperative that you choose a gel blaster and gel balls that have good compatibility. For example, harder gels are better for the more powerful gel blasters while soft gels work great with kids’ items.
Gel balls are a product where you get what you pay for, which is why you should always buy from a reputable manufacturer and retailer. Additional factors to consider that could prevent (or at least reduce the frequency) jamming include;
- Avoid overstocking gel balls as they are prone to changes in both size and consistency when stored for long periods.
- Always hydrate the gel balls ammo as instructed by the manufacturer’s guide. Otherwise, they become too soft (over-hydrated) or hard (under-hydrated).
- Check that there are no small blockages or debris in the magazine chamber as this could be affecting the firing mechanism.
If you notice that the gel balls keep getting jammed after completing the above maintenance checks, try using new ammo instead. If this resolves the issue, it may be necessary to discard the batch that has caused problems.
#3. Not Charging The Battery Properly
The gel blaster battery is one of the most important parts. Without it, the gel blaster either won’t turn on or will lose power. Unfortunately, this is one of the most commonly overlooked steps of maintenance. On a brighter note, it’s also one of the simplest to get right. The key is to adopt a winning habit until it becomes a natural part of gel blaster ownership.
Firstly, you should not leave the battery in the gel blaster, especially when it could be weeks before you use it again. Removing it and placing it on charge at the end of each day is essential. For the best results, you should follow this with these subsequent steps;
- Check that the charger works (by checking that the indicator light turns green once the battery has been on charge for the intended time) and is free from tangled cables.
- Remove the battery once the green light shows to indicate a full charge and keep it stored in a suitable container and cool, dry environment.
- Put the battery back in the gel blaster and use it for at least a few minutes once per week before completing a brief charging process.
Many users also invest in a battery tester, not least because they can be used to check the health of batteries for other products. Meanwhile, operating with at least two batteries on rotation can prolong their lifespan and serve you well during longer sessions.
#4. Overlooking Lubrication
Like a real gun, gel blasters have lots of moving parts and mechanisms, especially when choosing a gas-powered item. Therefore, it’s imperative that you keep those moving parts suitably lubricated with the appropriate gun grease. Otherwise, you could encounter the same level of wear and tear that a car engine experiences after a lack of lubrication.
Firstly, you should pay special attention to the trigger area as this contains several moving parts, such as springs and bolts. However, there are several other parts of the gel blaster that may need lubrication, including but not limited to;
- The motor,
- Cylinder and barrel,
- The piston.
Ultimately, the frequency of lubrication will depend on how often you use the gel blaster, as well as the duration of each session. However, you should lubricate it at least twice a year when stored, and after every few uses when actively using the gun.
It should also be noted that some accessories will require lubrication. This deserves extra attention when working with gearboxes or any other moving parts.
#5. Not Realigning Key Components
With several moving parts and the heavy movements created on the playfield (or even when shooting DIY practice targets), it’s not uncommon for gel blasters to encounter misalignment. When this happens, the function of your gel blaster will become significantly compromised. Worse still, the problems will only escalate over time, and potentially damage other parts.
Therefore, it’s imperative that you make the necessary realignments, which could be as simple as tightening the motor height adjustment screw. Quick identification is the key to success here. Some of the most common misalignment examples include;
- Gear misalignment, which is usually noticeable due to unfamiliar noises coming directly from the gel blaster whenever you shoot.
- Tappet plate and return spring misalignment, which will be noticeable due to weak firing in which you will lack a lot of power.
- Trigger misalignment, which you will be able to feel each time you pull the trigger due to the noticeable physical resistance.
Some alignment issues are easy to fix, but others will require a more experienced eye. So, if you’re unsure but think misalignment could be the cause of reduced enjoyment or performance, it is worth booking a professional assessment and (if required) realignment service. Otherwise, it won’t be long before a new gel blaster is required.
#6. Ignoring Magazine Maintenance

Given that the magazine is frequently removed and inserted into the main body of the gel blaster, it’s easy to assume that it is in great condition unless you notice visible defects. In reality, though, the frequency of use both in terms of withdrawing/depositing and how it feeds ammo means that you must make it a key part of your maintenance.
In truth, you should probably check your magazine before each session (or at least every 2-3) while also checking it during play, particularly between rounds when your checks won’t cost you dearly. Some of the key steps include;
- Clean it regularly of any debris that has accumulated in the magazine chamber as this could stop gel balls from feeding properly.
- Withdraw and shake the magazine if gel balls are feeding slowly as this may dislodge any stuck balls. You should also check the magazine is full of ammo.
- Test the firing in an upright and upside-down position. If firing is smooth with the latter but not the former, the motor needs attention.
If there is an issue with the motor, the choice between repairing or replacing the magazine is a personal opinion. If you choose the second option, this is an opportunity to increase the capacity of your gun blaster with a high-capacity storage magazine.
#7. Overlooking Sealants
As with any type of gun or replica gun, the function of a gun blaster relies heavily on the movement of air after pulling the trigger. Unfortunately, propellant gases cannot effectively do their job if gases leak out of the gun. So, while damage to sealants is one of the most commonly overlooked problems, its impact on the performance of the gun blaster is huge.
One of the main issues here is that the gun blaster will often continue to work until the sealant is completely worn. Even then, it may continue to work, albeit with reduced function. Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to all O-ring sealants, including;
- Connectors,
- Cylinders,
- Plunger head,
- Plunger tube,
- Pumps,
- Valves.
A new sealant could save you from needing new internal cylinders or triggers. This O-rings kit for gel blaster pistols can be used to restore tight seals on any part that uses this type of sealant. This should restore both performance and durability with immediate results.
When combined with lubrication of the appropriate parts, the gel blaster will feel like new.
#8. Leaving The Barrel Uncleaned
When considering the anatomy of a gel blaster, it’s important to know that the barrel is made up of an inner part and an outer part. When debris or residue finds its way into either part, inconsistent firing will follow. Frankly, it will result in the same performance issues that you would expect from using inferior or under-hydrated gel balls.
Therefore, cleaning will be an essential part of keeping the gel blaster in great health. To get this right, you can use a cleaning rod and soft cloth to make sure that it is clear of debris. It makes sense to wipe the gel blaster's body with a soft cloth at this time. Other tips are;
- Oil the barrel to protect the metal layer underneath any surface material removed during usage, which then prevents rust.
- Cleaning the inner barrel with rubbing alcohol, checking that any gel fragments have been successfully removed.
- Inspect for visible signs of dents or damage that may require you to change the barrel. It’s a little frustrating but only costs a few dollars.
Ignoring barrel maintenance will lead to gel balls getting clogged or potentially breaking before leaving the gel blaster. Besides, paying attention to this assignment should encourage you to clean the body and check for debris caught under the trigger too.
#9. Not Replacing Broken Parts
As a gel blaster owner, it makes sense to implement preventative maintenance to keep all parts of the replica gun in good condition. After all, it’ll save you a lot of time and money in the long run while also avoiding the threat of damage spreading to other parts of the gun. Sometimes, though, it will be necessary to replace a broken or faulty part.
Aside from the battery, which can be checked with a battery checker, the most common parts to become faulty include the adapter and the spring. Faulty parts can be replaced on a DIY basis by any patient and experienced gun blaster user. However, you must;
- Replace faulty parts with the exact same part or a reputable spare part that offers the same functional features and dimensions.
- Use manuals or video tutorials to guide you through the process. Familiarise yourself with the steps before beginning the process.
- Check that the part is clean and use a grease kit to ensure lubrication before testing it out upon completion.
Crucially, when completing any part replacement as a step in your ongoing maintenance, it’s vital that you test it properly. Even if it means repeating the process due to making an error, it’ll deliver a far better outcome in the long run compared to facing malfunctions within days.
#10. Completing Upgrades Incorrectly
Finally, it’s important to remember that gel blaster maintenance isn’t only for beginners. Even seasoned players must take care of their equipment. Otherwise, it may start to malfunction or succumb to wear and tear far sooner than it should. Crucially, then, you must extend this commitment to any upgrades or customisations you decide to make.
This guide to completing a gel blaster upgrade will explain the benefits as well as some of the necessary steps for preparing an upgrade. Unfortunately, though, making mistakes during the upgrade can lead to various issues, such as;
- Gel blasters not working due to accessory or part incompatibility.
- Damage to existing or new parts due to excessive force.
- Leaving parts in a loose position, thus causing vulnerability to damage.
- Slow moving parts due to friction, which harms performance and response times.
- Damage to the battery due to a change in demands.
- Functional problems including many of the items mentioned above.
Sadly, all of the above issues will harm your relationship with the gel blaster and could threaten your love of gel blasting as a whole. When added to the fact that incorrect upgrades bump up the costs, it’s vital that you get it right. Even if that means using an expert.
What If The Gel Blaster Is Faulty
Even with the right maintenance steps in place, a faulty gel blaster will continue to perform poorly. Purchasing from a legitimate and reputable retailer like GBU means that this issue is very unlikely as products come from top manufacturers and undergo quality testing.
Still, in the unlikely scenario that you buy a product that is faulty, our experts will repair or replace it. For more information or to gain further guidance on proper gel blaster care and maintenance, contact our experienced advisors today.